28th March, 2019
The Hony. Secretary
All Affiliated Units
Dear Sirs,
It has been noticed that despite giving Circulars and Notifications, many Districts are not following the same. Few examples are as under:
1) Entry Fees for Tournaments are not sent in time to WBBA office, though as per the Council decision entry fees should be sent / deposited in WBBA office within 72 hours of the last date of entry. This should be strictly followed. No entry fees will be collected in the Venue.
2) Entries for All India Ranking are to be forwarded to WBBA office Forty Eight (48) hours before the last date of entry at BAI’s end. Many Districts are not following the same and even sending entries after the last date of BAI is over. Please do not send entries after the date as stipulated above.
3) Many Districts are not forwarding entries in proper format which may please be followed.
Thanking you,
Sekhar C. Biswas
Hony. General Secretary
Copy to: 1) Sri U.N.Banerjee 2) All Concerned
President, WBBA