IMPORTANT CIRCULAR

18th November, 2024

The Hony. Secretary

All Affiliated Units of WBBA


Sub:     Registration of Players under WBBA


Dear All,


It has been noted that many Affiliated Units are sending documents for new Registration not following the norms which is creating delay in completing the Registration formalities.


For your ready reference, we would like to mention the following for adherence:


1)        For Age Group Players the documents as required to be submitted.


2)        For Senior Players, we need copy of any of the following:


a)         Birth Certificate

b)        Admit Card of School Leaving Examination

c)         PAN Card

d)        Driving Licence

e)         Passport Copy


Please follow the above guidelines while submitting the new Registration Forms for doing the needful at our end and to avoid unnecessary exchange of mails and submission of documents number of times.


Thanking you,



Sekhar C. Biswas

Hony. General Secretary

West Bengal Badminton Association


Copy to:          1)        Sri U. N. Banerjee

                                    President, WBBA


                        2)        All Concerned