25th November, 2024
The Hony. Secretary
Affiliated Units of WBBA
Sub: BAI ID Renewal
Dear All,
note that it has been decided by BAI that henceforth BAI ID Renewal will be
done throughout the year. However, as circulated by WBBA on 2nd February,
2024, the following procedure may be strictly followed till such time online
system is introduced:
Units may list out the total number of Players for
whom fresh Registration / Renewal of BAI IDs will be required and
make Demand Drafts in the name of Badminton Association of India, payable at
New Delhi and send the same at WBBA Office alongwith composite list. Demand
Drafts for fresh Registration and Renewal of BAI IDs will be separate
alongwith separate lists. WBBA will forward the Demand Drafts to BAI alongwith
list of fresh Registration and Renewal.”
Thanking you,
Sekhar C.
General Secretary
West Bengal
Badminton Association
Copy to: 1) Sri
U. N. Banerjee
2) All Concerned