“Based on detailed discussions it is decided that in view of repetitive violations of Rule 25(g) of the WBBA Constitution and Rule 6 of the Code of Ethics and also BAI set down Guidelines by registered Players, it is Resolved that: 


1. The Council has noted with extreme concern that despite repeated warnings, numbers of registered Players are found participating in “Unauthorised Tournaments“ secretly without prior permission being sought for and granted, in gross violations and wilful breaches of WBBA and BAI regulations.


2. The Council thus unanimously resolved that the registered Players, secretly participating in “Unauthorised Tournaments“ without prior permission being sought for and granted, shall stand automatically debarred from participation in any WBBA Tournaments and Championships for a period of “SIX MONTHS” from the date of knowledge of WBBA with all points secured in the meanwhile being deleted and WBBA also shall neither forward nor recommend those erring Players for participation in any BAI Tournament during 6 Months. 


3. In case of greater gravity of indiscipline/misconduct  as be found in the subject matters of such unauthorised Events without prior permission, the Disciplinary Committee, on being so referred, shall be entitled to impose such further extended sanctions with or without fine.”


West Bengal badminton Association

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